Natural Spotlight: Tweedy Love! & Instagram: Luv4bleTweedy Tweedy Love is a single mother who loves to work.   In 2011 due to health issues her ability to work a regular 9 to 5 became very limited.  Being that she is very creative & knew she needed to do something, she decided to put her creativity and love of earrings together by making her own designs.  So let’s chat with this entrepreneurial naturalista and earring fashionista to learn more about how she is making her statement in the natural hair community!
NaturallyCurly83:  How long have you been natural?
Tweedy Love:  In May 2012 I couldn’t make my mind up with what to do with my hair, so I cut most of it off.  I’ve been natural since November 2012.
NaturallyCurly83:  What made you decide to go natural?
Tweedy Love:  Before cutting my hair off, I worked really hard getting my hair back to it’s full potential, after a tragic moment in 2009 when my hair fell out. I had a hair treatment  then a month later I was put on some strong medications.  Next thing I know my hair began falling out.  So I chose to become natural because I’m scared of it happening again. Due to my health just the thought of it happening again made me scared to relax or even color my hair.
NaturallyCurly83:  What are some of your favorite hair products and why?
Tweedy Love:  I Love Organic Root Stimulator  & Organics by Africa’s Best.  Growing & understanding hair, my hair really wasn’t responding to the products I was using until I found these around 2007.  While growing my hair back these two hair products have basically become my best friend, my must haves.
NaturallyCurly83:  How did you get started making jewelry?
Tweedy Love:  Growing up and becoming a young lady I fell in love with earrings.  Knowing there are so many creative ways to make earrings and that hand made earrings can be made with better quality, it really sparked my interest to give it a try.  Why buy earrings when I can make my own my way?  So I started buying earrings I knew I can make on my own.  Even not knowing anything about making earrings I knew I could figure it out.  I’ve been basically teaching myself and until this day I’m still learning.
NaturallyCurly83:  What makes your jewelry unique?
Tweedy Love:  My Earrings are custom to express my customer’s personality which give them that unique flare.
NaturallyCurly83:  What inspires your creations?
Tweedy Love:  The moment I see a piece- a charm or a bead, I get so many ideas of what to create. Sometime I do get a little ahead of my self but I love a challenge.   It’s all worth the extra hard work at the end.
NaturallyCurly83:  What advice would you give to other naturals for their hair and their personal style?
Tweedy Love:  Being natural I’ve learned that creamy conditioner & braids are your best friend.  When it comes to Personal Style I think you should express you inner diva through your hair & accessories.
~Like Eyes are the Window 2the Soul, Earrings are The Curtains
To see more of Tweedy Love’s custom made earrings and jewelry, you can find her on facebook – and on Instragram:  Luv4bleTweedy

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