Natural Rant – Why Some Love to Hate Us

Afro Pic

Natural Hair has been in the media a lot lately… and not in a positive light.  Seems like more and more people are speaking out against natural hair.  Even our little naturals are being targeted for donning their God given curls and fros.  With the increasing number of black women and now children wearing their hair natural it has begun a movement that has made some uncomfortable because we are redefining the standard of beauty in America.  Not everyone is open and accepting of change and what is different.  That is why I believe this movement is so important.  It really breaks this notion about what is considered beautiful and it will eventually help others to embrace who we are, including ourselves.  I’m sure many have heard about comedian Sheryl Underwood‘s comments about natural hair on the show The Talk   It is unfortunate that by being a public figure with such a wide platform she didn’t take the time to consider how her comments would be viewed by others and how detrimental they would be not only to the natural hair community but to black women in general.  However, I cannot be upset with her because I’m sure that those comments embody how she truly feels.  Although through her actions she just validated the feelings of many non African Americans that our natural crowns are not beautiful while also promoting self hate among black people, as if we don’t already have enough of that.   It also has given anti-naturals even more gall to express their disapproval outwardly.  We continue to see this with how our children are being treated in schools by administration.  How heartbreaking was it to hear about the little girl in Tulsa, Oklahoma and what she was subjected to by school because of their dress code.  It is amazing to me how these policies keep emerging that single out situations that would only apply to African American students.  These school administrators are undermining the rights and the self-esteem of our children by calling their hair “unkept”  and “dangerous”.   Tell me what is dangerous about afro puffs and braids?  And it is funny to me that we’ve never heard of these things being an issue until recently.  I never dealt with such issues when I was in school.  This is why having support in this movement among our own community as well as outside supporters is extremely important.

We have made progress in the movement as naturalistas are being seen more and more in television commercials and print ads.   It was great to see the Food Lion add with the mom rocking a low puff.  Even Sesame Street had an adorable little skit about natural hair.

So as we continue grow and assert our right to be beautiful naturally, those who love to hates us will eventually love us or learn to deal with us.  I am personally okay with either one.

So wear your natural hair proudly and remember that it is more than just a temporary fashion statement, that is a statement of beauty and a demand for acceptance.

One response to “Natural Rant – Why Some Love to Hate Us

  1. Anything that goes against the grain will be demonized. Love yourself first. That’s all God wants.


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