Oooh I Like Your Hair! What Do You Use?

Hair ProductsI was out running errands on Wednesday and had several people stop me to ask me about my hair.  I thought this was pretty cool because most times I hate the way my hair comes out after trying a style.  Of course it never looks like the girls’ in the YouTube videos or in the pictures on Pinterest or Instagram.  I had a hard time recalling what I put in my hair when talking to one lady because I keep a cabinet full of hair products.  I learned very early on that you don’t throw away your hair products and I’ll tell you why:

1.  Some products we used during transition may work better for you when you are fully natural.  I have a few products like this.  First was the Miss Jessie’s Baby Butter cream.  I was not fond of this product in my hair during transition because it seemed to just sit on my hair instead of penetrating the strands.  I used it again for the first time last week when I did my two strand twist bantu knots and it really helped as a moisturizer.

2.  Products may be used for something other than their intended purpose.  What I mean by this is that a product’s label may say its perfect for curl definition or twist outs like the Motions Naturally You Define My Curls cream.  It definitely does not define my curls but it is perfect for when I’m wearing a puff.  I use it to help slick down my edges and it keeps that gel I use from hardening my hair while still keeping my stray strands in place.

3.  As your hair grows certain products may perform better in your hair.  Now that my hair is longer I can achieve some hang time with the right product.  Which means in order to get my hair to hang it requires a heavier product.  So my oil infused shea butter from Urban Nature Hair Salon in Tapanga really does the trick.  It not only minimizes frizz but gives me the freedom to mold my hair the way I want it and it is a great and lasting moisturizer to boot.

4.  You simply need certain products for certain styles.  I’ve already shared how I achieve a super slick puff and hang time twists.  I use Miss Jessie’s Curl pudding when I want to achieve a defined twist out or bantu knot out.  For the style below, I used Carol’s Daughter Moisture Milk and the Urban Nature Oil Infused Shea butter on my ends.

Protective style updo

And of course, there are some staples that every natural should have in their regime.  That’s a good conditioner, a great leave in conditioner, a good oil, and shea butter (creamy or oil infused).  If you are using the highly recommended L.O.C.S. (liquid, oil, creamy, sealant) method then you understand how important these products are for your hair.

Remember, if you get ahold of a product that doesn’t quite work for you now, hang on to it and try it again later.  You may be surprised at how well it works for you then!

Happy Natural!

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