Catching up!

Hello! I know that I have taken a little bit of a hiatus but I am back on track and will have some fun and interesting content coming up for you all in the coming weeks.

So what happened? Well it is summer time and I have taken a few vacations to enjoy some quiet time and fun with the family. I joined the dirty thirty club in July! So I treated myself to style and color for my hair. I have so much grey hair and I just wanted to look my age because the grey was not doing me any justice. I visited Jaha Hair Studio in Silver Spring, MD per a recommendation from a friend. Below are some pics of the style and color. pic stitchTwist and color
The shop was small but quaint. The front desk staff was nice and welcoming. I really enjoyed the customer service. They made sure that I was happy with the color. As you can see in the pic, I had them match the color of the second crochet weave that I did. I am very happy with how it turned out. the colors were very close and it just really brightened my face and give my look a whole new dynamic.

Right after my birthday is my son’s birthday and he turned 2. So the second vacation was a trip to Sesame Place and we had a blast! I will definitely take him there again. We ended the week with a big birthday blowout at our favorite park. I must tell you that that will be the last time I organize and host a party that big. So much stress and work! I even injured my back (which I’m still dealing with today). But my little guy had a great time and it was all worth it to see the smile on his face and him enjoying the company of all the other kids.

Lastly, I have been working hard on my weight loss goals and career movement. I definitely went off the deep end on vacation and really indulged in some good food. I gained a few pounds but I am now getting my self back on track with exercise and eating right. Last week I did good with preparing my breakfast and lunch for the week ahead of time. I even kept up with dinner too. I channeled my inner chef and made up a dish on Thursday night. I am so forgetful when I go to the grocery store that it is common that I am missing an ingredient or two for a dish that I’m making. This time I was missing a whole side! I thought that I had some Lipton noodles in my cabinet. I know its process but sometimes a busy life calls for a quick fix. As long as it is not an everyday thing, it’s fine.  I made garlic parmesan noodles using egg noodles that I had left over in the cabinet from the time I made tuna noodle casserole, a classic and my favorite dish when I was a kid.  I had some left over heavy cream from the quiche I had made earlier in the week along with some frozen spinach, minced garlic, and shredded parmesan cheese.  It came out amazingly well and my family ate it up!  I’ve already been asked to repeat the dish.  See what a little creativity in the kitchen can get you?

So there you have it! I have been a busy little bee but I do have some juicy content that I know you will love coming up. So stay tuned!

Goodnight loves:)

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