Weaving It for the Summer: UPDATED!


Finally!  The hot weather is here and it’s time to go out and have fun outside, not spend all day or night doing hair inside.  So what do you do with your hair?

I have heard many of my natural hair friends and family talking about getting a weave for the summer.  They are looking for an alternative for easy and effortless hair while giving their own tresses a break from constant styling.  I have to admit that I am not fond of the idea of a weave.  I have grown to love my own hair and have not felt the need to add any extra to it and I like to style it myself.   However, styling can and does take up quite a bit of time especially when am trying a style for the first time.  So why not a weave?  Some may feel that it is against the whole idea of going natural in the first place!  But let’s face it, everyone in every culture does something to take a break from their hair, whether it be cutting it, perming it, slapping a wig on it and yes — they get a weave too.  To help myself and some of my naturalistas to better understand why a weave for the summer makes sense, I have listed some benefits to consider:

Change Up Your Look!

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Stuck in a styling rut?  Better yet, have short hair or you’ve just run out of styling options?  Maybe you are like me and are just plain BORED!  A good weave can give you just the look refresher you need.  A nicely done weave can revamp your whole look and can be very energizing to your spirit.  Also you can try some new styles with weave that you may not be able to create on your own hair.  And now you can have it with a natural look and feel.  A crochet style can leave you with a beautiful twist out-like curl pattern and no one would ever be the wiser.  I know many women have fooled me with a crochet weave.   Even Kelly Rowland is doing it!  Best of all, it’s easy enough so that you can also do it yourself at home.

A beautiful cornrowed updo can also be a great weave style to add to your repertoire.  It’s chic and can translate from the workplace to a fun night with the girls.  What I like about a cornrow style is that you can wake up and go.  No styling needed.

Lastly, a weave is a great opportunity to play around with color before you actually take that jump on your real hair.  Figure out what colors you like, what suits you, and compliments your skin tone by incorporating those colors in your weaved style.  That way you can save yourself some time, frustration, and hair damage.

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Give Your Hair A Break

Our hair really takes a beating when it is twisted, braided, and curled to achieve the desired look.  A weave is another protective style that allows us to enjoy the benefits of a different style without the stress on our tresses.  Weaves, when done properly, can last from a month to 6 weeks.  But you must be careful about the types of weave and the method for applying that weave so that you are not damaging your hair in the process.  Styles such as box braids, Senegalese twists, and cornrows are some of the more gentle weave methods.  And if you are concerned about growth then a weave may be part of the answer to achieving those long curly locs.

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Time Saver

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My mornings are hectic.  They start at 5:45am with a work out, shower, dress, wakeup and dress my little one, prepare and eat breakfast then off to work by 7:45am.  The last thing I want to have to worry about is my hair.  That’s where a weave comes in.  Also, no more late week nights flat twisting, bantu knotting, or whatever other cumbersome styling technique that I might spend hours doing…. at least for a little while anyway.   I could actually spend that time SLEEPING!  Or doing one of the other million things I have to do during my day.

The few benefits that I have listed here are enough to have me sold on the idea of a weave this summer.  I definitely plan to opt for something with a natural look and feel, but definitely have fun with your weave and choose whatever style that you like.  Just make sure whatever you choose avoid damage to your hair.  The goal is keep your hair healthy, while giving it a rest and you a rest too!

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Crochet Technique with Free Tress in Tango

Do you have some fun weave styles that you have tried or looking to try this summer?  Send me some photos to share on the blog at thenaturalyou13@gmail.com.

Happy Summer!

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